Spiritual Intensive Mountain Retreat

Reawakening Your Authentic Self

Fall 2023 · Colorado


Retreat Celebration

In the heart of the Rocky Mountains, I hosted a spiritually transformative four days, focused on the discovery of the authentic self and spiritual growth. Participants experienced deep connections with nature and personal breakthroughs. The curriculum consisted of energetic lectures, meaningful discussions, mindful energetic practices, Qi Gong sessions, and guided meditations. Participants were encouraged to tap into their own inner wisdom and clarity. They also had time for self-reflection and journaling to connect with their inner selves. The retreat allowed the participants to break away from the noise of everyday life and connect with their spiritual essence. As they bonded with like-minded individuals a sense of community and support blossomed. The retreat location was in the beautiful mountains, surrounded by forests, crisp air, and serene landscapes. The accommodations were top notch, including comfortable rooms, outside decks with views, and a communal dining area. The cuisine was exceptional. Thank you to all who participated and allowed Spirit to shine!

You are Love, you are That!